Rack Operation Training
Rack Operation Training offered by Inspect-a-RACK helps you maintain your Pallet racking to the current applicable standards and enables us to offer you a comprehensive training programme. The programme is for operators, supervisors and maintenance personnel to increase their awareness and knowledge of rack safety, operation and maintenance. The training programme is focussed on 3 main areas: safe operation, maintenance and inspection of racking.
Each session is broken down to 6 sections:
- Rack damage presentation
- Rack safety video
- Operation & maintenance training
- Open discussion
- Learning Assessment
- On-site walk-through (if applicable)
At the beginning of the session, each trainee receives the following materials: Unit Outline, Colby Storage Solutions Rack Operation & Maintenance Manual, and a Training Questionnaire (to be filled in later). All of these, except the questionnaire, can be kept by the trainee. At the completion of the session, each trainee will receive a binder of their own to retain all learning materials and resources that they can use when conducting in-house inspections. They will also receive a personalised statement detailing the training they have just completed.